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Show institutional core titles

What it tells you

This report enables you to view the core/subscribed titles that you have marked up and then see their usage in either your JR1 or JR1a report.

All titles marked up will appear as starred items in all other JUSP reports.

How to run the report

  1. Log in to the portal and select Show institutional core titles
  2. Click on view list

To run a report showing usage of your core titles:

  1. Select JR1 (all) or JR1a (archive only)
  2. Select a date range
  3. Click on run report

To run a report showing a JR1 excluding backfiles and GOA for all core titles across all publishers

  1. Select Report showing JR1 excluding backfile (JR1a) and GOA data for all core titles

How to interpret the data

This functionality allows you to track the usage of particular titles either within or outside the deals that you take. You can mark up as few or as many titles as you wish.

Where a title has changed publishers but is still appearing in the older publisher's JR1 report for the year, it will appear in the core/subscribed titles list for each publisher. Similarly, titles which appear in JSTOR reports as well as a publisher's JR1 will appear against both the publisher and JSTOR.

Once you have marked up a core title for a particular publisher, that title will appear as a starred item in all JUSP reports. This means that where the same title still appears in the JR1 report from an earlier publisher, or is also a JSTOR title, it will be starred wherever it appears in JUSP.

Top tips for using this report

General tips

  1. Use to track usage of core titles within a deal, or the subscribed titles that you hold outside deals
  2. Any titles so marked will then appear with a star against them in all JUSP reports, so you will be able to see at a glance how well your core or subscribed titles are being used

Report showing usage of your core titles:

  1. Sort by title for an alphabetical list, or by publisher, or by total
  2. View a table showing the usage of the top five core titles and compare this with average usage of all core titles
  3. Download as a CSV file to do your own more detailed analysis in Excel
Show institutional core/subscribed titles

Show institutional core/subscribed titles 2